Slow and Steady Wins the Race….Or So I’ve Heard:-)




Really, really hard.  

I’m not a patient person by nature.  I want it to happen overnight! 


Of course, I didn’t get to this unhealthy BFP (body fat percentage) and weight overnight.  Right? So, it does make sense that it will take awhile to get back to a healthy range.

I’ve been working on increasing my patience, but I think it is a lifelong process.  A slow, steady process.

I’m a product of the microwave, internet-driven society, where you don’t have to drive to the library, look for a book, bring it home and read the book and maybe find your answer.  You can simply ask Alexa or Google it!  And you can simply pop your food in the microwave for 3 minutes and enjoy a hot meal instantly.

It’s the “I want it NOW!” attitude, and it is easy to get impatient.  Very impatient!

Reminds me of the VBS skit of the Prodigal Son I enjoyed this June.  One of our very talented church members, Terry Wright, played the role of the prodigal son.  I can’t do his performance justice, but his most memorable line was, “I WANT IT NOW!” Which he spoke several times in a loud, whiny voice.  To the delight of the kids and adults, I might add!  He got what he wanted (the Prodigal Son, that is!).  But that didn’t turn out well for him, and he ended up coming back to his father, a broken man.

And what do we learn from this?  Patience and steadily doing the right thing can save us a whole lot of trouble and pain.

Do we ever get impatient with God?

We pray.

And pray.

And pray some more.

And we don’t see God move or answer.

And as a result, we sometimes decide to take control and do it our way.

Or we give up on God:-(.

Or we remember His promise in Exodus 14:14:-).  “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

And we wait.  And trust that God is working on our behalf, even when we can’t see it.  And that takes patience…..

Patience is definitely a virtue we need to practice.  And practice.   And practice.  Did I say we need to practice?  Yes, because consistent practice makes a habit.  A habit of patience:-).

Now, in Aesop’s Fable, “The Tortoise and the Hare,” the hare kept moving at lightening speed and seemingly moved way ahead of the tortoise.  However, he got distracted and off course.  Then he sprinted ahead again, and thought he could relax and take a break.  After many times of this process, the tortoise, who kept the slow and steady pace (practiced patience), actually passed the hare and won the race.

Aww…patient persistence.  Hmmm, the hare sounds like me in the past with dieting.  Going gang-busters and dropping the weight quickly, but burning out eventually and losing the race.

Not this time!  This time, I’m taking it slow and steady.  Making gradual, lasting changes.  Changes I can sustain for a lifetime.  AND in the process, practicing patience.  I’m praying for that!

Sometimes it does seem I am moving at a tortoise’s pace on this journey to good health and a normal BFP (body fat percentage).  But, I have to keep telling myself to “keep doing the right thing, one day at a time,” and I will eventually get there:-).

I already feel healthier, have more energy and have dropped……(drum roll, please)…….4 lbs. and 5 and 3/4 inches in the space of 3 weeks and 3 days!  Applause, please!!

Just FYI, I’m not being “legalistic” about the eating.  I allow myself to eat that special dessert occasionally or splurge on a special meal with friends or family.

The key is awareness.  Paying attention to what I eat.  And making adjustments in what I eat the rest of the day or the next day.  Or I simply chalk that day up to a “lost cause” and start fresh the next morning.

As long as I stick to the consistent exercise and monitor my caloric intake, I WILL stay in the race!

By the way, I decided to splurge on a “party in your mouth” dessert (that’s the Fosnaughs name for this sugary, chocolaty pan of warm goodness straight out of the oven) when Joy, Ian and Sarah were here for the weekend.

Let me tell you, there was no “party” in my stomach after downing that square of sugar, flour, chocolate and shortening.  It actually made me feel sick, which is a good thing.  I didn’t want anymore, and normally I would want another, and another, and another…….. You get my drift.

Apparently, my body is adjusting to less sugar.  Yeah!!

So, that experience is motivating me to stay away from really fatty and sugary desserts that have NO health benefits that I’m aware of.  Will I resist every time?  Probably not.  But if I can keep that memory alive, it will possibly deter me next time….and hopefully the next time…..

So here are the New Habits I’m practicing to slowly, but steadily morph into the “new me” (in no particular order)……..

  1. Hydrating frequently
  2. Planning ahead (meals and snacks)
  3. Exercising 30+ minutes a day, 6X a week (haven’t missed a day yet!!)
  4. Listening to the Bible, YouVersion App, while I walk (finished Genesis, Exodus and halfway through Leviticus).
  5. Incorporating 1-2 high intensity workouts a week
  6. Chewing gum to curb eating when I’m not hungry (sugarless gum, that is)
  7. Eating healthy (most of the time!)

And these habits all fit into my Action Plan.  In case you haven’t read my “Go, You Chicken Fat, Go” post, or forgot the specifics, here they are again:

REDUCE….my portion sizes to the recommended serving size.

RESTRICT… sugar intake (throw off the excess sugar!).

RESIST…..the urge to eat out of boredom, loneliness, perceived social obligation or a need for comfort (find other ways to address these emotional challenges).

REPLACE…..overeating and empty calories with foods rich in fiber, nutrients and lean protein (eat more SUPERFOODS!).

REPLENISH… body with energy by exercising 30+ minutes a day (combo of cardio and weight resistance), 6 days a week AND hydrating frequently!

One foot in front of the other…..just keep moving……trusting……hoping…….waiting………

……for the prize!

Dear Heavenly Father,

You have promised to “fight for us!”  When we don’t see a way out.  When we don’t have the strength to keep fighting, pushing, hoping.  When we think we’ve “got this” and don’t need You.  You know and ask us to “be still” and trust You.  Depend on You.  Thank you for fighting for me, pushing me along, loving me enough to NOT let me stay the same.  Give me this day, my daily dose of patience.  And endurance for the race You have marked out for me.  And only enough “bread” to meet my needs.

In Jesus’ Name, Karen Renae





2 thoughts on “Slow and Steady Wins the Race….Or So I’ve Heard:-)

  1. Excellent interesting writing from your life on this blog. I feel like I am right there with you. Wish I was. Wow! Four pounds in the weeks is very commendable dear friend. You are a “Steady Eddy” lady for sure! I am glad you are doing less sugar. It is so hard on us. And remembering to drink more water. Our brains must be hydrated to feel good.
    I prayed your final prayer too for me as it fit my soul today. How God loves us. I love your thoughts. Stay heavy in scripture. There is a possible battle coming once you’ve lost ten pounds. Plateaus can be agonizing. Here is me right now-“Less food. More move.” Thanking God I have you in my life permanently. Thank God He gave me the gift of Karen Fosnaugh.


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