Memory is the First to Go (or is it the hearing? maybe the eyesight?)


I’ve reached the point in my life where I have to write everything down to remember it.  Well, not everything.

I still know how to use a toothbrush, how to work the stove, and MOST OF THE TIME, I remember to turn off the burner when I’m done cooking!

Maybe it’s not so much a memory issue, as a multi-tasking issue.  I just can’t multi-task well anymore.  Did I ever do that well?  The idea of multi-tasking at THIS age (Actually, I’m only 58!) is ludicrous. 

It’s just not possible. 

For me. 

Of course, I’m just speaking for me;-).

Take for example the time I was making boiled eggs.  I made the mistake of walking out of the kitchen before they came to a boil.  (Normally, I wait till the eggs come to a boil, then cover the pan and turn the burner down to simmer for 10 minutes.)  As soon as I left the kitchen, the boiling eggs left my mind, and I got distracted with another task.  You probably know where this is headed.

Fast forward 30 minutes or “so.”  From the office upstairs I hear “pop, PoP, POP!”  I notice a funny smell.  Still, no thought of the eggs entered my mind, which is troubling, indeed!  I actually thought someone had broken into our house.  WHAT?!

I summon the courage to venture downstairs, round the corner to the kitchen and see an exploded egg on the floor.  And pieces of egg and egg shells everywhere!  The pan had boiled dry and charred eggs still lay in the bottom of the pan.  I’m thankful I didn’t leave the house with the eggs on the stove!

boiled eggs

At this point, some of you may be legitimately concerned for my future.  It’s all downhill from here, baby.  And I’m going to enjoy the ride, laughing all the way!  Well, maybe not laughing ALL the way.

My point in telling this story is. . . . Now, what was the point?! 

Oh yes, the point is. . . . my age is showing.  So, I have to be more intentional about writing things down that I need or want to remember. Like appointments, shopping lists, calls to make, emails to send, cards to mail, household chores to do, etc. 

But more importantly, I want to record what I’m learning, how I’m feeling, what I’m thinking, reflections about my journey (like this blog!), people and situations I’m praying for, AND the “Good and Perfect Gifts” God has given me. 

This last one is especially important to me.  I want to REMEMBER how God has been faithful to answer prayer and bless me abundantly.  And I want to remember, because remembering helps me to continue walking in faith and keeps me trusting in God’s goodness.   

So, this is why I started a Good and Perfect Gifts Journal in September of last year.  (Click here to read my September 2018 post when I started the journal.)  I now have over 200 entries in my GPG Journal. Did you catch that?  200, folks!  I’m simply amazed at the ways I’ve seen God’s hand at work in these past 8 months.

I can’t share all 200 entries with you (I heard that sigh of relief!), but here are 20 out of the over 200 entries from my GPG Journal.  I hope they remind you of God’s love, grace, mercy and faithfulness!

  • Uplifting conversation with longtime friend and prayer warrior, Vickie S.
  • Seeing Lane mow neighbor’s grass while they were on vacation–in extreme heat!
  • So thankful for my other “mothers,” my Titus women, who have advised me, encouraged me, prayed for me, and supported me at various points throughout my journey (Elaine Mumma, Mary Griffis, Donna Arnold, Mary Hutchings, Linda West, Pearl Knight, Mary Lou Schreffler, Debbie Shirley Hunt, Barb Bone, Pam Kirk, Carol Foor Watson, Carol Williams, Jan Rainey, Joy Wisehart, Bertie Ann Hardy, and so many more!)
  • The luxury of sitting in bed in my pajamas having my quiet time with Jesus on a Friday morning:-).
  • God speaking to me through song while I walked (“In Awe” and “You Say”)–reminding me that even though He doesn’t “need” me, He ( the Almighty, Holy and Righteous God) wants me and accepts/values me in spite of my flaws and past failures.
  • 13 Club Life children praying the prayer to ask Jesus to forgive them, make them pure, and give them the breastplate of righteousness!
  • Finally meeting Amy M., a neighbor I’ve been praying for, who has cancer.
  • Physical healing for Steve K. and prayers/conversations with his sons.
  • Gift of a new song called “Only Jesus” by Casting Crowns–spoke to me of my purpose to live my life to point others to Jesus, not about me!
  • No accident while driving Kerry from Athens to Woodstock, GA–my mistake, but God spared our lives!
  • Prayed with Mariah, a child in AMP music class, to receive Christ.
  • Answered prayer–Kristen passed her Psychology licensing exam!
  • Kerry has decided to go to treatment for alcoholism.  Woo-hoo!
  • Lane’s thoughtful suggestion that I stay an extra day with my brothers and families in Indianapolis and take the shuttle back to Fort Wayne–what a gift!
  • God’s protection over Ron when being held-up at gunpoint.
  • Found childcare workers for Sunday night Life Groups.
  • Answered prayer–Vickie S. tumor just fatty tissue, no cancer!
  • Woke up to “Wherever I Go” song on WBCL and watched video–so cool!
  • Answered prayer–Sarah has found a roommate!
  • Blessing of singing in Easter Choir 2019:-).

And just today, another answered prayer for the journal!  I visited with my next door neighbor and asked about her brother-in-law who is struggling with Stage 4 colon cancer.  (I joined them in praying for him back in September.)  I didn’t expect to hear her good news.  “The tumor is now undetectable!  And the spots that were on his liver are gone!!  We are praising God for miraculous healing.”  And THIS will be my next entry!!

Dear Heavenly Father,

“You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.  Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in YOUR house forever.”  Thank you for choosing me, redeeming me, hearing me, answering my “heart” requests, blessing me with your favor.  You are worthy to be praised above all!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

P.S. If you want your own GPG Journal just like mine, just message me.  I can make you one for a minimal cost:-).  And if you want a recommendation for a really good book on aging with grace, here it is, Notes to Our Older Selves by Juanita Ryan and Mary Rae.  Excellent!




9 thoughts on “Memory is the First to Go (or is it the hearing? maybe the eyesight?)

  1. Sure enjoyed this blog on aging as I wonder about the journey myself. At seventy I refuse to ever walk away from the stove as I am confident I will forget. I’ve been years at writing everything down. And one thing I am really enjoying more and more is to simply surrender to Jesus all aging-related issues. What freedom surrender brings me these days. What freedom to relax in these years when age is creeping upon me. I have a collection of scriptures on aging you will enjoy in another decade or so dear sister in Christ. I made a note of your suggested book on this blog. I plan to read it. Keep writing. Your writing is very encouraging to me.


  2. Karen,
    I love this. I always do this. I will invariably walk out to the garage with all good intentions to do something, get to the garage, and stand and stare, turn back around go back to where I was originally so that I can remember why I went to the garage. Sad but true.
    I love your journal. It is so important that we take time to look back on the prayers we have lifted up to the Lord and see how he has answered. Our family has done nothing but pray and give thanksgiving to the Lord. It has truly been a year of answered prayer. There are of course areas where we are still praying and waiting, but we know an answer will come.
    God bless you and your writings.
    Love in Christ,


    1. Isn’t growing older fun? I also often have to retrace my steps to remember what I wanted to do. The good thing is I will almost always remember once I retrace my steps. Notice I said almost always! I’m thrilled that your family has so many reasons to praise God. Praising and thanking God with you:-). And as always, thank you for the encouraging words on my writing!
      Love, Karen


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